
God Or Caesar: Which Side Are You On?

As Bible believing Christians, we are all in a warfare, a warfare of values. We are in this warfare whether some like it or not; whether we understand it or not, whether we want to be in this warfare or not. We are all either a participant or victim in this warfare of values and worldview.
We, as true born again, Bible believing children of God are likened to defendants on trial; good versus evil, righteousness -v- unrighteousness, right -v- wrong, Light -v- darkness.
We must each make up our minds in this warfare; this soul on trial to testify for the side of Jesus Christ or meet eternal doom as our destiny.
America and this whole world is in a spiritual mess and it looks as if the spirit of the end time day antichrist is rapidly taking over. It seems the name of Jesus is the most hated name ever, and Christianity is the most hated philosophy and teaching there is in the world today.
To illustrate my point, let me share some headlines from sources of the news media.
“Canadian Newborn to Decide Its Own Gender With Blessings Of Government” (GOPUSA News)
“Pastors Could Face Jail Over Mass. Anti-discrimination Law.” (Fox News)
“School Stops Saying, “God Bless America” After ACLU Threats.” (Fox News)
“School Lets Buddhist Coach Chant But Bans Christian Coach From Praying.” (Fox News)
“School Pledges Allegiance to International Flag.” (Fox News)
Many Christians sometimes willfully send their children to the Government schools to be trained and educated, and then wonder why so many children are passive toward God and Country and why we’re in the mess we’re in. It’s like allowing the fox to protect the hen house!

We’re in a mess partly due to a nation, a world, churches, and families becoming so passive toward Jesus and His Word.
The foundation of our nation is being shattered. Our freedoms are being lost one freedom at a time. Morality is at an all time low and clean moral living is hated above most any other attribute that America was founded on. Psalms 11:3 tells us that, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and expression, free exercise of religion, the second amendment right to keep and bear arms, and many times freedom of association are being attacked on an almost daily bases.
There are evil people in this world, seemingly without conscience, who would seek to do others injustice.
We as Christians, as well as the true Church of Jesus Christ, have set back too long making flimsy excuses for passiveness, indecision, cowardness, and laziness. We have allowed Satan to take over that which God has ordained and created. It’s time we stand steadfast and unmovable in the work of the Lord.
Like Hebrews 13:16 says, “But to do good and to communicate, forget not! for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Is he well pleased with us today?
We are commanded to obey authority. However, the highest authority is none other than God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. The Apostle Paul told us that we are to obey God rather than men. We are to obey the laws of the land as long as they do not conflict with the laws and commandments of God. We obey God’s Word FIRST above the laws, rules, or regulations of men.
As I have stated many times before, Psalms 62:11 proclaims, “…power belongeth unto God.” Even Satan himself is known as the prince and power of the air and possesses power on earth to deceive mankind. However, God commands us to resist the Devil. Therefore, we, as Bible believing Christians, have the mandate to resist authority that would cause us to commit sin or violate God’s will or principles. In fact, that is exactly how our country was founded.
When we stand up and say “NO” to officials who are breaking the law, we are not only fulfilling the Constitutional purpose enacted by the Founding Fathers, but we’re fulfilling the Biblical mandate to properly provide for our own and those of our own house. [1 Tim. 5:8]
God commands us, as much as lies within us, to live at peace with all men. However, there comes a time when we must stand our ground by being assertive and, as true citizens of both God’s world and the natural world, proclaim Christ above all.
Each and every one of us will be held accountable at the day of judgment for the deeds done in this body, whether good or bad. We need to make a choice as to whether we hear God say, “Well Done, thou good and faithful servant.”, or “Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angles.”
Deut. 30:19 declares, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”
Jesus told the people in Matthew 22:21 these words, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”
We, as true Christians, have a choice to make; Caesar (the state) first or God first. Which choice will it be for YOU?

Don & Debbie Woolett
Bro. Don & Sis. Debbie Woolett are members of the Hodgenville Pentecostal Church where Sis. Debbie is a long time Sunday school teacher and Bro. Don He is a member of the HPC church security & safety team and holds credentials as a minister with the Free Pentecostal Church of God Association, Cincinnati, OH. He is an ordained & licensed Chaplain with Chaplains International, Inc